Saturday, August 31, 2019

Entrepreneurial Marketing: The Critical Difference Essay

Introductions usually have three parts: presentation of the problem or the research inquiry purpose and focus of the current paper summary or overview of the writer’s position or arguments As you can see, a thoughtfully written introduction can provide a blueprint for the entire research paper. In the first part of the introduction, the presentation of the problem, or the research inquiry, state the problem or express it so that the question is implied. Then, sketch the background on the problem and review the literature on it to give your readers a context to show them how your research inquiry fits into the conversation currently ongoing in your subject area. You may tell why this problem has been a problem, why previous attempts have failed to solve it, or why you think this particular slant or angle to the problem is important. You can also mention what benefits are to be gained from solving this problem or exploring this topic from your perspective. In the second part of the introduction, state your purpose and focus. Here, you may even present your actual thesis. Sometimes your purpose statement can take the place of the thesis by letting your reader know your intentions. Some writers like to delay presenting their thesis, especially if their readers may not be ready to accept it. The third part, the summary or overview of the paper, briefly leads readers through the discussion, forecasting the main ideas and giving readers a blueprint for the paper. This example of a well-organized introduction provides such a blueprint. Example of an Introduction Entrepreneurial Marketing: The Critical Difference In an article in the Harvard Business Review, John A. Welsh and Jerry F. White remind us that â€Å"a small business is not a little big business.† An entrepreneur is not a multinational conglomerate but a profit-seeking individual. To survive, he must have a different outlook and must apply different principles to his endeavors than does the president of a large or even medium-sized corporation. Not only does the scale of small and big businesses differ but small businesses also suffer from what the Harvard Business Review article calls â€Å"resource poverty.† This is a problem and opportunity that requires an entirely different approach to marketing. Where large ad budgets are not necessary or feasible, where expensive ad production squanders limited capital, where every marketing dollar must do the work of two dollars, if not five dollars or even ten, where a person’s company, capital, and material well-being are all on the line—that is, where guerrilla marketing can save the day and secure the bottom line. (Levinson, 1984, p. 9) In this example, the first sentence gives us the general academic conversation that this article will join. Sentence 2 narrows the discussion slightly to the entrepreneur. Sentence 3 explains why the entrepreneur and the small business are different and suggests the research question: How does the entrepreneur with his business principles differ from the corporate CEO and â€Å"big business† principles? Sentence 4 again places the discussion here within the academic conversation about entrepreneurs and slants the subject to â€Å"resource poverty.† Sentence 5 suggests why this issue is significant and even hints that perhaps it hasn’t been covered sufficiently. The author is defining his â€Å"research space,† where his research will fit in the conversation. The last and longest sentence succinctly summarizes the areas covered in this article and presents the thesis statement â€Å". . . that is, where guerrilla marketing can save the day and secure the bottom line.† As an aside, notice that the title of our example has two parts. Readers use such academic titles to select articles and to get a quick sense of what an article is about. Academic titles can state the research question, summarize the thesis or purpose, or be written as a two-part title with a colon. As in this example, the first part of the title gives the context of the article,  the academic discussion, and the second part gives the slant of the article, this writer’s special research space in the conversation. By reviewing the introductions to research articles in the discipline in which you are writing your research paper, you can get an idea of what is considered the norm for that discipline. Study several of these before you begin your paper so that you know what may be expected. If you are unsure of the kind of introduction your paper needs, ask your teacher for more information. As an added note, the introduction is usually written in present tense. The Methods Section The methods section of your research paper should describe in detail what methodology and special materials, if any, you used to think through or perform your research. You should include any materials you used or designed for yourself, such as questionnaires or interview questions, to generate data or information for your research paper. You want to include any methodologies that are specific to your particular field of study, such as lab procedures for a lab experiment or data-gathering instruments for field research. If you are writing a literary research paper, you would want to use the methodologies scholars use to examine texts and place the author and the literary piece into its literary and historical context. If you are writing a business management research paper, you would want to use the methodologies that place your discussion in the context of business and economics. Next to your own critical review of the scholarship in your discipline, your teacher is the best source of what methodologies are used in it. Many writers of research begin with this section because it is often the easiest to write. This section is usually written in past tense. The Results Section How you present the results of your research depends on what kind of research  you did, your subject matter, and your readers’ expectations. Quantitative information, data that can be measured, can be presented systematically and economically in tables, charts, and graphs. Quantitative information includes quantities and comparisons of sets of data. If you are unfamiliar with the conventions, you may find it challenging to present quantitative findings. You may include some commentary to explain to your reader what your findings are and how to read them. The distinction between the results section and the discussion section is not always so clear-cut. Although many writers think you should simply present and report your findings on the data you have collected, others believe some evaluation and commentary on your data may be appropriate and even necessary here. You and your teacher can decide how strict you want to be in this decision. Qualitative information, which includes brief descriptions, explanations, or instructions, can also be presented in prose tables. This kind of descriptive or explanatory information, however, is often presented in essay-like prose or even lists. There are specific conventions for creating tables, charts, and graphs and organizing the information they contain. In general, you should use these only when you are sure they will enlighten your readers rather than confuse them. In the accompanying explanation and your discussion, always refer to the graphic by number and explain specifically what you are referring to. Give your graphic element a descriptive caption as well. The rule of thumb for presenting a graphic is first to introduce it by name, show it, and then interpret it. You can consult a textbook, such as Lannon’s Technical Writing for more information and guidance. The results section is usually written in past tense. The Discussion Section Your discussion section should generalize on what you have learned from your research. One way to generalize is to explain the consequences or meaning of  your results and then make your points that support and refer back to the statements you made in your introduction. Your discussion should be organized so that it relates directly to your thesis. You want to avoid introducing new ideas here or discussing tangential issues not directly related to the exploration and discovery of your thesis. This section, along with the introduction, is usually written in present tense. The Conclusions and Recommendations Section Some academic research assignments might end with the discussion and not need a separate conclusions and recommendations section. Often, in shorter assignments, your conclusion is just a paragraph or two added to the discussion section. In many of your research assignments, however, you will be asked to provide your conclusions and recommendations in your research paper. Conclusions unify your research results and discussion and elaborate on their significance to your thesis. Your conclusion ties your research to your thesis, binding together all the main ideas in your thinking and writing. By presenting the logical outcome of your research and thinking, your conclusion answers your research inquiry for you and your readers. Your conclusions should relate directly to the ideas presented in your introduction section and not present any new ideas. You may be asked to present your recommendations separately in your research assignment. If so, you will want to add some elements to your conclusion section. For example, you may be asked to recommend a course of action, make a prediction, propose a solution to a problem, offer a judgment, or speculate on the implications and consequences of your ideas. The conclusions and recommendations section is usually written in present tense.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Bridgford Foods Essay

Bridgford Foods is known as a small, publicly traded company of the food industry. Clients of Bridgford Foods have a relatively high inherent risk. The operation of the said industry is subject to various risks, such as adverse changes in the general economic conditions, the evolution of consumer preferences, nutritional and health-related concerns, the inspections done, including the processing controls involved in the federal, state, and local products. The liability claims of consumer products and the risks associated with product tampering were also taken into careful consideration. Furthermore, several recalls made were associated with the recent outbreaks of illnesses among the meat and poultry products. Such greatly affected the operating results and the financial position of the company. In addition to this, industry characteristics were related to the factors that affected the assessment of materials of Bridgford Foods Corporation. Since the industry was very competitive, price cutting would have its related effects on the revenue. Unfortunately, Bridgford Foods was not part of the leading industries in the country. In terms of performance, the products of the said company were not as competitive as those of the leaders in the industry. In addition to this, the company is not as profitable and as financially stable as those of the major companies in the industry. For the year 2007, Bridgford Food had a decrease in its total sales, as compared to the other years. In a report issued, the company stated that, â€Å"sales for the first quarter ended in January 25, 2008, and was an estimated $1,319,000. Prior to the first twelve weeks of the fiscal year, there was a decrease in the total, which was 3.1%. The industry factors result in an increased assessment of the risk material misstatement of BridgFord Foods Corporation. This led to a lower determination of detection risk and more substantive tests. Estimations and assumptions were particularly important in the assessment of risks for material misstatement of Johnson, Inc. The management made certain estimations and assumptions that affected the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements. In addition to this, reported revenues and expenses during the respective reporting periods were also given much considerations. The amounts estimated related to liabilities for workers’ compensation, employee healthcare and pension benefits are especially subjected. The inherent risk relating to the accuracy of an account balance that involves a high degree of management judgment, or that is difficult to compute, is evaluated as high. Moreover, the credit risk of the company was diversified across a broad range clients and geographic regions. Losses incurred due to credit risks have recently been immaterial, with the client maintaining the cash balances at financial institutions. At times, these clients exceed the amounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of $100 million per institution. However, the clients have significant amounts receivable amounts with few of the well known clients, although historically secure, could also be subject to material risk when the operations of these clients begin to deteriorate. Regardless of such dilemma, the members of the Bridgford family can still exercise significant control over the company. This is due to the fact that the family owns approximately 77% in stocks of the company, making them own more than three fourths of the whole company. On top of this, three members of the Bridgford family were members of the Board of Directors. This gives the members of the Bridgford family the ability to exert substantial influence and power over the management and affairs of the company. This include matters requiring the action of shareholders. the amendment to by-laws, the election and removal of directors, merger proposals, consolidation or sale of all or substantially all of the assets and other corporate transactions. The Bridgford family members who own majority of the stocks dominate in the decision making of the company. This factor led to a higher risk assessment of material misstatement fore there were no reviews regarding important decisions and actions taken. However, these should be taken in the best interest of the company and its stockholders. The inherent limitations included the realities of faulty judgments and decision makings, including the breakdowns that can occur due to simple errors and mistakes. Additionally, controls can be circumvented by the individual acts of some people, by collusion of two or more people, or by management override of the control. All the above factors increased inherent risk for a particular account balance assertion, making the evaluation relatively high. In the audit planning stage, where the evaluation of inherent risk for an account balance assertion is high, auditors regard this as a significant risk requiring special audit attention. The control risk of Bridgford foods is low. The client maintains and evaluates a system of internal accounting controls, and a program of internal auditing designed to provide reasonable assurance. In so doing, the company’s assets are protected and transactions were performed in accordance with the proper authorization, and were recorded accordingly. This system of internal accounting control is continually reviewed and modified in response to evolving business conditions and operations and to recommendations made by the independent registered public accounting firm and internal auditor. The client also has an established a code of conduct. Furthermore, the audit committee is composed of independent directors who are not officers or employees of the client, and do not have other relationships that impair independence. The audit committees also employ two financial experts. They are effective in overseeing the quality of controls and the management of fraud. From those mentioned, I believe that the accounting and internal control systems provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded and financial information is reliable, with the overall control risk low. In general, the design and implementation of internal control are considered effective. The increase in the risk of material misstatement due to these factors will result in a lower determination of detection risk and an increase in the scope of the auditor’s work. Pre-audit engagement risk is significantly and positively associated with the estimated level of discretionary accruals reported in audited financial statements. As higher levels of discretionary accruals have been shown to be associated with higher risk of post-audit litigation, it appears that rather than taking actions that result in higher-risk clients reporting less aggressive discretionary accruals, auditors instead are accepting a higher post-audit risk for these clients.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 14-15

Chapter 14 My hands still in the air, I pressed my lips together. Id already learned that any sign of stress caused my fangs to bulge and my pupils to grow larger; I didnt want to prepare to attack until I knew what I was dealing with. â€Å"Jake? Charley?† a female voice called as two burly men ran toward me from the main house. Although twice my bulk, they were definitely human. Each man grabbed one of my arms, though I noted with cold calculation that it would take only one quick twist to shake both off before I lunged for my attack. But I fought with every core of my being to stay still, my hands high in the air, hoping Id just look like a common vagrant. There was no guarantee that a fight would lead to Damons rescue. A girl walked toward me from the porch and stopped a foot away. â€Å"I apologize,† I said to her. I tried to make my voice sound like I was nervously gasping for breath. â€Å"I didnt realize this was private property. Im new to town, and I was in the tavern, and, well † I trailed off, unsure of whether my lies would get me into even deeper trouble. â€Å"You thought youd steal from me?† The girl stepped forward. Her hair tumbled in flaming curls down her back, and she wore what looked suspiciously like a vervain wreath on her head. She had on a white nightdress, but she was wearing mens boots, and I could see calluses on her hands. Though she was clearly from a wealthy family, this was no coddled city girl. â€Å"No. No! I wasnt stealing, I was just looking for the vampire,† I said. She knit her eyebrows together. â€Å"To steal him ?† she asked leadingly, hands on her hips. â€Å"No!† I said again, my arm jerking involuntarily. One of the men holding me dropped my arm in surprise. â€Å"No,† I said again, forcing myself to remain still. â€Å"I saw the poster for the show down by the lake, and, well, I guess my curiosity got the best of me.† I shrugged. A rooster crowed. Sunlight slowly spilled over the backyard. I glanced down at my gleaming ring, thankful that Lexi had left. â€Å"Okay, then,† the girl said. She snapped her fingers, and the two large men dropped my arms. â€Å"If you are new to town, then where do you come from?† â€Å"Mys Mississippi,† I fibbed. â€Å"Right across the river.† She opened her mouth as if to say something, then closed it. â€Å"Well, welcome to New Orleans,† she said. â€Å"I dont know what things are like back in Mississippi, but you cant go sneaking into peoples backyards looking at their livestock. And the next time you may not meet someone as friendly as me.† I fought my urge to snort at her idea of friendliness, given my brothers wretched state. â€Å"So, whats your name, stranger?† â€Å"Stefan,† I said. â€Å"Are you Miss Gallagher?† â€Å"Smart,† she observed sarcastically. â€Å"That I am. Callie Gallagher.† One of the large men stepped toward her protectively. â€Å"Leave us,† she commanded. â€Å"Ill escort Mr. Stefan out.† â€Å"Thank you,† I said contritely as I followed her around the long gravel path, past the sun-room of the house, and toward the gate. â€Å"Thanks for trusting me,† I said. â€Å"Who says I trust you?† she asked sharply, but an amused smile flitted across her lips. â€Å"Well, then, perhaps I should thank you for not letting your brutes kill me.† She smiled again, wider this time. Her teeth were pearly white, and one of her front teeth was slightly crooked. Freckles dusted her upturned nose. She smelled sweet, like oranges. I realized it had been a long time since I had found a woman beautiful for more than the sweet smell of her blood. But cruelty lay behind her beauty, because this woman was responsible for my brothers imprisonment. â€Å"Maybe youre too handsome to be killed. And everyone deserves a little kindness, dont you think?† I gazed at her callused hands, a thought entering my mind. â€Å"Would it be too forward of me to ask for more of your kindness?† Callie narrowed her eyes. â€Å"Depends on what you ask for.† â€Å"A job,† I said, straightening my shoulders. The girl shook her head incredulously. â€Å"You want me to hire you? After you trespassed on my property?† â€Å"Think of it as an expression of my drive and my enthusiasm for freaks,† I said, the lies now floating easily from my tongue. â€Å"Being new, Ive had trouble finding work, and to be honest, Ive always wanted to be part of a circus.† She set her jaw, and I was worried shed suddenly call her henchmen on me. But then she looked up and down at my faded trousers and sighed. â€Å"I have a feeling Ill regret this, but come down to Lake Road tomorrow night. We do need a new ticket taker–our last one ran off with one of the fat ladies. Youll need to arrive early–and stay late. Its going to be busy tomorrow night because of the fight.† â€Å"Right. The fight,† I said, once again clenching my fists and biting back words of anger. â€Å"Yes.† She smiled somewhat ruefully. â€Å"Then youll have the chance to see your vampire in action.† â€Å"I suppose I will,† I said, turning on my heel and exiting the wrought-iron gate. But if I had my way, no one would see the â€Å"vampire in action† because Damon and I would be long gone before the fight ever commenced. Chapter 15 October 7, 1864 Something has changed. Maybe it is merely age, a sort of hyper-maturation into the role of an adult vampire. Maybe it is Lexi's tutelage. Or the fact that I am faced with an actual challenge, a death-defying challenge, and I simply know I can't expend my energy killing for sport. Whatever the cause, the result is the same. Though the scent of blood is still everywhere, I no longer feel compelled to hunt for sport. Hunting is distracting. My hunger is something to be sated quickly rather than enjoyably. Of course, the question is, how will I free Damon? Attack everyone in sight, creating a melee of destruction? Convince Callie to shed her vervain wreath so I can compel her to do my bidding? But Callie seems to have a power all her own. That much is clear to her henchmen, and to me. Of course, my Power is stronger. I have no doubt that I'll persevere. I'll save Damon, and then I'll reward myself with a drink from Callie's neck. I spent the entire day pacing my room, cutting a path through the dust that lined the wooden floor. Plans to free Damon flitted through my head one by one, but just as quickly as they came, I shot them down for being too daring, too risky, too destructive. Id already learned from the siege on the vampires in Mystic Falls that one false move can cause a domino effect of violence and despair. â€Å"You look like a caged animal,† Lexi said, appearing at my doorway. Her voice was light, but worry lines creased her forehead. I let out a low growl and raked my hands through my hair. â€Å"Ifeellike a caged animal.† â€Å"Have you thought of a plan yet?† â€Å"No!† I exhaled loudly. â€Å"And I dont even know why Im trying. He hates me.† I looked down, suddenly ashamed. â€Å"He blames me for turning him into what we are now.† Lexi sighed and closed the distance between us. She took my hand. â€Å"Follow me.† She led me out of the room and walked slowly down the stairs, running her pale fingers along the portraits that lined the walls. All the paintings were covered with a layer of grime. I wondered how long theyd been hanging on the walls, and whether any of the subjects still roamed the Earth–alive or undead. At the very bottom stair, Lexi stopped and pulled a portrait off the wall. It was newer than the others, with a gold frame and the glass polished to a gleam. A young, serious-looking blond boy stared out at me. His blue eyes contained a hint of sadness, and his cleft chin jutted in defiance. He looked incredibly familiar. My eyes widened. â€Å"Is that your–â€Å" â€Å"–brother,† Lexi said. â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Is he † I trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence. â€Å"No, hes not with us anymore,† she said, tracing the cleft of the boys chin with her index finger. â€Å"How did he die?† I asked. â€Å"Does it matter?† she said, her voice sharp. â€Å"No, I suppose it doesnt.† I touched the edge of the photo. â€Å"Why do you keep it?† She sighed. â€Å"Its a connection to the past–to who I used to be before I was†Ã¢â‚¬â€œshe gestured down the length of her body–â€Å"before I becamethis. Its important not to lose that final thread of attachment to humanity.† Her gaze grew serious. I knew what she meant: Remaining connected to her humanity was how she maintained control and why she made the choice to feed only from animals. â€Å"So, are you ready to save him?† As usual, Lexi didnt wait for an answer, and I had to hustle out the door behind her. Together, we walked in silence toward Gallaghers place under the cover of the inky night. Fifteen minutes later we turned the corner onto Laurel Street and the house came into view. A tall man with salt-and-pepper hair was climbing the stairs of the white structure, tapping each step with a gold-tipped cane. Behind him were two black-suited men. The three were engaged in intense conversation. Lexi put her hand on mine. â€Å"Gallagher.† The men paused on the porch. â€Å"Im telling you, the vampire I have is the real thing. I could have him killed and sell you his blood. Youd make a fortune marketing it as the fountain of youth or an elixir of life,† Gallagher said roughly. My stomach plummeted. Damons body was being divided before he was even dead. â€Å"Blood,† a stocky man mused, rubbing his bald head as if it were a crystal ball. â€Å"Im just not sure people would try that. But how much would you sell the fangs for?† The men entered the home, shutting the wooden door with a definitive thud. I sniffed the air. The cloying scent of vervain burned my nose, but I didnt sense Damon anywhere. Lexi pushed the gates open and stepped onto the lawn. â€Å"What are you doing?† I hissed. â€Å"I dont think Damons here anymore.† â€Å"Yes, but you need to know exactly who and what youre up against. The more you know, the better you can gauge what the best course of action will be,† she said. I nodded, and together we stole in the shadows toward the main house. We ducked under a window ledge and knelt in order to escape notice; we could just make out the scene unfolding in the parlor at the back of the house. Gallaghers voice drifted through the open window as he took a seat in a maroon leather club chair, his feet up and a glass of port already in his hands. He wore a large gold ring on his finger. In the far corner, Callie Gallagher sat in a pair of weathered overalls and a white linen shirt. Her red hair fell down her back in a vervain-laced braid, and her head was bent as she pored over a ledger book. A garland of vervain was strung along the marble mantle, and I noticed a few vampire muzzles–the same sort that my father had used to subdue Katherine–tossed carelessly on an end table. â€Å"I have something else that might interest you,† Gallagher said, locking eyes with the elderly man while the other sat, silently. â€Å"I didnt want to bring it up out on the street.† â€Å"Yes?† The man leaned forward. His voice sounded disinterested, but he rubbed his stubby fingers together eagerly. â€Å"The monster wears a ring. Its an unusual one. Silver with a blue stone, but it seems to give him additional power. None of my men have been able to get it off his finger, but when hes dead â€Å" â€Å"Father!† Callie interjected. The two men stared at her. â€Å"Yes, girl?† Gallagher asked, his voice dangerously low. â€Å"Ive been looking over the books, and well make a fortune if hes kept alive. Its the best for the show.† Though her expression was all business, her tone didnt actually sound mercenary. â€Å"My boss.† Gallagher laughed ruefully, but from the way the vein in his temple throbbed, I could tell he didnt appreciate Callies interjection. â€Å"Girl, can you get us some brandy?† Callie stood up and stalked out of the room. I was surprised to feel a sliver of sympathy–and kinship–with her. I knew what it was like to have a headstrong father. Id wanted nothing more than to please him, but Giuseppe Salvatore always thought he knew best. I dared to disagree only once, and he killed me for it. â€Å"As I was saying, the ring † Gallagher said. I snapped back to attention. â€Å"You kill that monster and Ill buy it all. The fangs, the blood, the ring. Everything. And Ill give you a very good price,† the elderly man said in a trembling voice, barely concealing his excitement. Before I could pounce, shattering the glass that separated me from the man who was trying to sell my brother in bits and pieces, an iron-firm grip clasped my arms behind me and dragged me back out to the street. â€Å"Get a hold of yourself, Stefan!† Lexi hissed as she pulled me along the sidewalk. When she reached the corner of Laurel Street, she let me go. â€Å"That man is a sadist!† I fumed. â€Å"Hes a businessman. He wants to kill your brother, and if they find out about you, theyll certainly want to kill you too,† Lexi said, pushing her blond braid over her shoulder. My mind spun. â€Å"What about the girl?† I asked. Lexi snorted derisively. â€Å"What about her?† â€Å"She thinks Damon should be kept alive. Maybe she can convince her father of that,† I said desperately. â€Å"Dont even think about it. Shes a human, and she will follow her fathers orders until the end of her days,† Lexi said, dropping her voice to lower than a whisper as another couple walked toward us. As they passed, the man tipped his top hat, and Lexi curtseyed back. To anyone else, we were a young couple, out to romance each other in the moonlight. â€Å"Damons life is at stake,† I said in frustration. Lexi had offered to help, but everything shed done so far had seemed designed only to dissuade me. â€Å"We have to do something!† â€Å"I know you will find a way to save him,† she said firmly. We turned another corner and the spire of the church across from Lexis house came into view. â€Å"But Stefan, you must remember that controlling yourself around humans is much more than simply not attacking them.† When we reached the back porch, she stopped and put her hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look into her clear amber eyes. â€Å"Do you know the real reason why we dont drink human blood?† â€Å"Why?† I asked. â€Å"Because if we dont drink human blood, we dont need humans,† she said in a tight voice. She pushed open the door. Buxton, Hugo, and Percy were sitting around the coffee table, playing poker. They looked up when we entered, and Buxton narrowed his eyes at me. â€Å"Boys, were going dancing tonight. We need some lightness,† Lexi announced, pouring herself a glass of blood from the decanter on the side table. She glanced around the room. The three nodded. â€Å"Will you come, Stefan?† I shook my head. I was not in the mood for lightness. â€Å"No,† I said, then headed upstairs to plan Damons rescue alone.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 4

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example Weighing the benefits of abortion in the community today, women should be given the choice for having an abortion for many reasons ranging from preventing a baby born from unwanted sexual act such as rape to safeguarding the mother from life threatening issues at child birth. This article features the controversy that has developed over time in the issue of legalizing abortion. It points out that the rate of abortion is on the rise despite the government efforts to control it. There are over 20 million illegal abortions each year, some of which result to the death of the clients due to the unsafe methods used. It provides a strong analysis of the countries abortion laws and rates for countries that have legalized abortion and those that have not. The stand of the author is that in certain occasions, women should be allowed to obtain an abortion as this may help in saving their lives and avoiding some ill effects of abortion such as death, stress and traumatization. This article provides a good source to use for supporting the argument for legalization for abortion in countries that still remain against this. I will use this article to show the various benefits of granting females the choice to abort especially when faced with tough life choices. This will be a good ground to support my aforementioned thesis statement. This article points out to the way abortion is perceived in different countries. While some laws provide that abortion can be admitted in some situations, some are completely prohibitive and term abortion as equivalent to killing. However, it provides the fact that some countries allow abortion in some situations when it would have positive impacts on the life of the people. For instance, abortion is allowed in cases where the child may not survive, when the pregnancy may cause mental defects on the female and when the pregnancy is a result of rape. The article expresses the pressure that females may have in such

Positive Impact of Nursing Leadership Research Paper

Positive Impact of Nursing Leadership - Research Paper Example Recent studies had revealed the fact that, some of the leadership components had a greater and positive influence on the psychosocial working environment. This paper will analyze the article, Nursing Leadership Style and Psychosocial Work Environment written by Terry Malloy and Barbara Penprase. This article mainly focuses on the service industry, and a group of nurses are taken as sample group to conduct the research through questionnaires. Among the industrial sectors, the healthcare sector plays a vital role in saving the lives of the people. Next to the physicians, the nurses are considered to be the life savers, as they attend to the patients very keenly and they assist the doctors in proceeding with the proper treatment to the patients. Due to their extensive work, nurses are prone to mental stress, job repetition, boredom, etc., which have a negative impact in their performances. Hence various researches have been conducted to explore the ways, whereby the performance of the n urses can be enhanced, resulting in increased job satisfaction. One such research article would be, Nursing Leadership Style and Psychosocial Work Environment. ... Basically nursing process can be described as a modified version of scientific process. It is mainly utilized in the medical field to assess the needs of the patients and to formulate a course of action whereby the problems of the patients can be addressed and solved respectively. â€Å"Developed by Ida Jean Orlando in 1958, this method is used by nurses to balance out the usage of scientific evidence and personal interpretation when diagnosing and treating.† (â€Å"An In-Depth Look into the Nursing Process†, n. d). Thus, the nursing process includes five major steps namely assessing the problems of the patients, diagnosing the issues, planning the course of action to address the problem, implementing the solution effectively and evaluating the results. From the above sentence, it is obvious that the nursing process involves five major steps in attending to the problems of the patients. However in the article, it has been revealed that there is an effective correlation between the healthy working environment and the nursing process, which also impacts the well being of the patients and their health. Moreover, it is very much apparent from the article that the entire nursing process mainly depends on the various dimensions of the psychosocial environment. Generally, the process of nursing can be described as a cyclic that can come to an end at any of the five stages if the problem is solved. Above all, the nursing process not only focuses on attending the physical needs of the patients but also attend to their social and emotional needs considerably. Hence, the article very well highlights the positive relationship between the contingent reward leadership with that of the psychosocial work

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Human Subjects Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Subjects - Research Paper Example elinek works in however has never experienced any labour unrests for over thirty years, due to relatively higher payment and better or favorable working conditions. In the surge and increase of the internet, the industry and market as a whole has borne the brunt of change as most of the competitors lost their cutting edge and business or market share to the internet. This is to imply that customers value the retail services that they get from the internet as compared to physical or manual retail stores and shops. On the contrary, the Costco Company has continued to increase and grow in terms of stock price and sales ( In the conventional and simple sense, it is as if the Costco Company has defied business and marketing conventions to realize an increase in its portfolio despite the fact that business and market as a whole is experiencing difficult times in the conventional sense and aspect. According to Craig Jelenik, the company gives better pay and more comfortable working environment where the welfare of the workers is ensured. For instance, Craig Jelenik mentions that people ought to have wages with health benefits ensure s that more money rotates back to the society which in turn would create a healthier nation. He also went ahead to write and advise the congress to increase the minimum wage to $9 an increase from the past level. The main reason as to why he fronts an increase in the minimum wage is so as to ensure that the employee productivity is increased, their loyalty and commitment is unwavering and the turnover of employees is high. Under the prevailing circumstance of labour unrest and demands in pay rise, the Costco Company has continued to give its employees a higher minimum wage as compared to what the government stipulates for minimum pay per hour. For instance, it pays its employees $20.89 an hour as compared to the stipulated wage rate of $9-which other retail stores pays their customers. The researchers demanded and inquired

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Estee Lauder Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The Estee Lauder Group - Essay Example Estee Lauder Group was established in the year 1946 in New York by Estee Lauder and initially marketed four products along with a belief that â€Å"every woman can be beautiful†. The company operates in cosmetic industry and deals with luxury products. At present, it has many brands under its corporate authority (Estee Lauder Companies, 2011).Globalisation has made it possible for firms to expand their businesses in international market through extensive expansion of their products and services. The global expansion strategies of firms assist in gaining higher market share in the targeted markets within a short term period. Due to the global expansion strategy, the sales of the firms increase which result in increasing the profit of the firms.The Estee Lauder brands are well known and they have captured many markets. The global expansion will facilitate the existing brands to increase the sales that will assist in bringing more profits to the company with the existing product line.Mrs. Lauder had invented several products and brands. She had developed skin care solution and fragrance or scents that were accepted globally and gradually became famous.The Estee Lauder’s brand portfolio is diversified. The portfolio consists of classic, core brands, Lab Series, Aramis and Estee Lauder that have been able to set standards and has gained brand value in the entire prestige beauty industry. The origins, urban prescriptive and customized are the company’s category-defining lifestyle brand. ... The global expansion will facilitate the existing brands to increase the sales that will assist in bringing more profits to the company with the existing product line. Section 1: Estee Lauder: A Functional Domestic Structure 1.0 Internal & External Analysis 1.01 History Mrs. Lauder had invented several products and brands. She had developed skin care solution and fragrance or scents that were accepted globally and gradually became famous (Estee Lauder Companies, 2011). The Estee Lauder’s brand portfolio is diversified. The portfolio consists of classic, core brands, Lab Series, Aramis and Estee Lauder that have been able to set standards and has gained brand value in the entire prestige beauty industry. The origins, urban prescriptive and customized are the company’s category-defining lifestyle brand. From 2004, they had introduced several brands and have sold them through alternative distribution channels (Estee Lauder Companies, 2011). Aveda and Bumble and bumble, eac h in its own way, are foremost organisations in the prestige salon business. As men are more interested in grooming and treatment products, Lab Series Skincare and Clinique Skin Supplies for men are both balanced to confine a larger share of this emergent category (University of Pennsylvania, 2008). 1.02 Vision, Mission and Objectives The vision and mission statements of Estee Lauder is â€Å"bringing the best to everyone we touch†. By â€Å"the best† the company means the best products, ideas and people. These three foundations have been the trademark of Estee Lauder from the time it was established. These three pillars remain the foundation upon which the company has been able to succeed till date (Sample, 2006). The objectives of the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Human resource management - Essay Example Job analysis refers to the process of identifying and determining  various job duties and requirements as well as the significant role that the duties have in any particular job (Brannick and Levine, 2002, p 48). One aspect of substantive importance about job analysis is that it is solely on jobs rather than the persons in the different positions in different jobs. The major role played by job analysis is to establish the relation in employment procedures in particular recruitment and selection process. By such analysis, one is able to make a description and specification for determining the best place individual to get the job and perform the associated tasks and responsibilities (Brannick and Levine, 2002, p 61). Job analysis, therefore, is the cornerstone of Human Resource Management in the sense that it provides employers with a critical understanding of the requirements of a particular job and make a selection the most appropriate individual to take such a job and contribute towards the enhancement of performance of an organization, aimed towards the realization of success. A competent employee in the right job is the greatest achievement of Human Resource Management towards the implementation of organizational strategies for the realization of success (Brannick and Levine, 2002, p

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Peloponnesian War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Peloponnesian War - Essay Example Division was evident especially due the two rival systems of alliances where neither could allow the other to be superior to the other. Sparta led the Peloponnesian league while Athens headed an empire of city-states 454 BC, the Delian league treasury, was transferred to Athens. After two years, Athens which dominated the vast Mediterranean Sea naval alliance started treating the league members as subjects rather than partners. Sparta had initially rejected the proposal of formation of the league. Athens then began fighting short wars to force members who had any intentions of defecting from the league to stay and those who had already left to rejoin. 433 BC, Athens, signed a treaty with Corcyra (modern day Corfu) to provide mutual protection, the move was interpreted as an act of provocation by Sparta and its allies and the following year Sparta cancelled her treaty with Athens. 433 BC, Athens, banned trading activities with city-states allied to Sparta. Athens also introduced high taxes to other states that led to the weakening of the Delian league. Sparta then declared war to stop Athenian control and dominance. 431 BC, Spartans ally, Thebes, sent a contingent of soldiers to seize and control a town called Potidea. However, they failed and the soldiers were caught and imprisoned. The residents of Potidea put the advancing troop of 200 to death. A day later Athens sent a messenger to plead with the townspeople against such abrupt action but it was too late as it marked the beginning of a long battle, a war. According to Thucydides the immediate causes of the Peloponnesian war were the Corinthian opportunism. It all began when Corcyra and Corinth began disputing over Epidamnos; the dispute drew Athens and Sparta which lead to the formation of a powerful group of allies. As the initial dispute escalated another one sprung up over Potidea in northern Greece between Athens and Corinth. The squabbles began a free fall into deeper conflict. The Epidamnos and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Do we need government If so, what should be its role Essay

Do we need government If so, what should be its role - Essay Example The most significant part of the economy stability is the Fiscal responsibility. Debts of the government can easily be an economy burden and make its foundations weak. Sound microeconomic policies improve the government credibility and strengthen the institutions of politics. Therefore, the government has a responsibility in stabilizing the economy. Government acts as policymakers in the role of gaining a stable economic environment for growth in economics. It defends and enforces property rights, maintain currency stability and give an oversight assurance to private citizens on accountability of their transaction partners. Therefore, it allows the participants in the market to start placing their resources again to work in most beneficial areas (Atkinson, 1997). The economy performs with a massive and increasing the amount of regulation. The appointed regulators introduce price controls mainly in most utilities like electricity, telecommunication and gas (Barr, 2004). Economists of free markets criticize the control scales in the economy saying that it forms unnecessary costs burdens for businesses. Therefore, regulation can impose new competition in the market. For example, attempt to impose competition for the British Telecom. President Barack Obama responsibility on Fiscal last February showed his understanding on the need of Fiscal discipline. The president’s proposed budget and Congress enactment of Reinvestment Act and the American recovery make the goal of a budget that is sustainable (Geoft, 2013). It also addresses long-termed nation’s fiscal priorities like liabilities entitlement, even vaguer. The government controls the country debt deficit to stabilize the economy. Large deficit can lead to instability of prices and inflation if it finances the deficit through printing money. Inflation is as a result of depreciation of the currency that makes goods from foreign countries more expensive. Hence, it results to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Formative assessment Essay Example for Free

Formative assessment Essay Formative Assessment: raising standards inside the classroom Black. , P. (1998), provides a brief overview of the evidence, both qualitative and quantitative about the quality of teacher’s classroom assessment practices, about the effectiveness of good formative assessment in promoting pupil’s learning and the features of classroom assessment that enhances students learning. Paul Black carried out two practical inquiries in various schools. The first experiment involved twelve classes of thirty pupils each in two schools. This experiment work was structured around pupil’s tools of systematic and reasoned inquiry and greatly emphasized on student’s communication skills and peer assessment. The students were required to carry out a science group project which involved experimentation. The results showed that the students who had the best assessment process achieved the highest scores. This was only possible where students were able to communicate effectively with each other and were able to evaluate their own understanding of the concept being taught. Thus, the author showed that self- and peer assessment can be achieved by giving pupil’s opportunities to reflect their learning. Similarly, the second experiment involved forty eight eleven year old Israeli pupils from twelve classes across four schools where half of those selected being in the top quartile of their class on tests of mathematics and language and other half being in the lower quartile. They were taught materials not directly related to their normal curriculum, and given written tasks to be tackled individually under supervision, with an oral introduction and supervision. Then the pupil’s were divided into three groups and feedbacks were provided. The first group was given comments only, the second group was given grades only and the third group was given comments with grades. The research showed that for ‘comments only’ showed an increase in the performance of the students while the other two groups showed a significant decline in the scores across the three sessions. Therefore, this research article tries to show that if feedback comments are in principle, it is operationally helpful for a pupil’s work, and literature also indicates that ‘task-involving’ feedback is more effective than ‘ego-involving’ feedback. Likewise, the reports studied by Paul Black and his colleagues showed that formative assessment helps to enhance feedback between the students and the teacher as it increases new modes of pedagogy and will cause a significant changes in the classroom practices. Similarly, formative assessment increases pupil participation in the classroom and can help affect motivation and self-esteem of pupils. Therefore, effective teaching must be carried out in a classroom that will enhance students learning. However, posing of questions is a natural and direct way of checking on learning, but is often unproductive. It becomes important for teachers to generate good questions and this can be obtained from outside sources such as internet and library sources. Thus, teachers should ask themselves that: Do I really know enough about the understanding of my pupils to be able to help each of them? Therefore, what seems both obvious and problematic is that the whole area is at the heart of pedagogy and may have been appraised and shaped further in terms of a theory of larger scope to encompass school learning comprehensively. One of the limitations of this article is that this has not been attempted, so that what is here needs the discipline of a broader context. Thus, a classroom must be implemented that focuses on the policy for raising standards that will help improve formative assessment. (Black. , P. 1998. Formative assessment: raising standards inside the classroom. School Science Review.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Process of Selection in Course Development Essay Example for Free

The Process of Selection in Course Development Essay Course development starts with the proper selection of course, resources, and strategy.   In selecting the course, certain factors have to be considered, such as the level of knowledge, the level of skill, and the level of confidence that the course requires. Expertise is one of the most significant factors in selecting the course because teaching requires that the instructor or teacher should have a solid background and knowledge regarding the subject.   Along with the selection of the course comes the selection of the basic topics or ideas that have to be discussed.    The organization or flow of the course would have to depend on these, so it has to be consistent with the subject, the level of teaching, and the philosophy or beliefs that the instructor wishes to evoke.   The basic theme or approach of study should also be selected. Next to selecting the course and the philosophy would be the resources from which the content of the course would have to depend on.   This includes the materials, the devices, and the people, which can influence the execution of the course ideas and philosophy.   Team teachers, librarians, community members, as well as computer support personnel are all included in the people resources.   It is in this stage as well that the tenets of discipline are being considered, as based on the philosophy and resources that are being made available. Lastly, when it comes to the strategy, the first thing to plan would be the basic objective that should come in line with the theme, tenets of discipline, and philosophy that are being selected.   Selecting objectives for the curriculum includes the learning theories and philosophies that would fulfill the execution of the strategy. It is important, too, that all these are related to the learning needs and characteristics (e.g., cognitive, cultural, social) of the learners.   Their skills and familiarity count a lot when developing the strategy, and by going over these, the instructor should have a basic framework on the best strategy that should fulfill the learning process, as indicated by the overall context.   Since learning should be a continuous process, the learners’ experience, motivation, and diversity should not be ignored. Reference Neal, I.P. (1998, September). Teaching centers, instructional technology, and course development.   Retrieved June 26, 2008, from the Technology Source Archives database:

Common Moral Purpose in Organizations

Common Moral Purpose in Organizations Please answer all the following questions based on Weeks 2, 3, 4 and 5 and submit your answers through Turnitin by Sunday 2nd April at 11.59pm. Answers to each question should be around 250 words. Please use your textbook and journal articles to support your answers (2 to 3 references per question including the textbook required) Question 1: Do you think the term used by Barnard common moral purpose (pg. 103) is a good way to describe what happens in work organizations? Why or why not? (Please have a look at chapter 4: The Human Organisation to support your answer) A common moral purpose is somewhat of a good way to describing how an organisation functions according to Chester Barnard. It is appropriate in some aspects as individuals are usually advised of the companys goals and how to achieve them. Employees go to work to achieve a common purpose, whether that be creating a product or providing a service to customers. Usually their job descriptions and roles will relate to the companys objectives and long term goals. In this way employees do all have a common moral purpose. However, the concept of organised collective activity, in which individuals put the companies needs and objectives above their own may not always be possible to achieve. However, Barnard theorised that it can be accomplished through incentives such as recognition or rewards. This may encourage employees to be more productive, although if their main purpose is to come to work just to make a living, rather than to achieve the companys goals, incentives may not work effectivel y. The motives of the employees must be matched with companies for a common moral purpose to be achieved. Nevertheless, it has been suggested that an individuals personality may not be adequately overpowered by the forces of the common moral purpose. Employees must value companys ideas and believe in them. If this occurs a common moral purpose will be more easily achieved. El-Harber, N 2016, Foundations of Management, 1st Edition, New South Wales Mourkogiannis, 2005, Strategy + Business, The Realists Guide to Moral Purpose, blog post, November 23rd, viewed 27th March 2017 Question 2: Rational-bureaucratic organizations are supposed to develop the best means to achieve their goals. Based on your reading of Chapter 5 (pg. 56), what would you say are some of the obstacles to making the best decisions about ways to reach a goal or solve a problem? Do some organizations have a more difficult time with this than others? What kinds of goals or problems do they deal with? (Please have a look at chapter 5: Bureaucracy, Rationalisation and Organisation theory to support your answer) The rational-bureaucratic organizational model is built on the machine metaphor of organisations that draws an analogy between the relationship among the parts of a mechanical device and the relationship among positions in an organisation. (El-Haber, 2016, p.56) This theory was conceived by Max Weber. It utilises a formal hierarchy, specialization, impersonality and promotion based on qualification and achievements, to help a company achieve their goals. These elements assist in accomplishing a fair and equal work place, clear directions and which then aids employees with who to seek guidance from. Yet there are still obstacles when applying this model in the workplace. The strict and rigid conformity to rules and procedures can undermine the companys main objectives. This occurs as employees are heavily focused on obeying company policies leading them to overlook the companys goals. This could then result in lessen productivity. In an organisation where products are produced, this c ould affect the end product. Another pitfall of this model is the assumption that a formal position equates to automatic authority. Authority and respect must be earnt by the authority figure and not demand. If it is, it may cause resentment and lessened productive among employees. Weber also believe that the most technically able employees should be put into these formal positions. This may be a contradiction as he stated that promotion should be able on qualifications and achievements. Someone may be highly technically able, but may lack the interpersonal skills and qualifications to effectively manage and liaise with employees. Although Webers model can benefits in achieving goals, it may negative affect product due to its disadvantages. El-Harber, N 2016, Foundations of Management, 1st Edition, New South Wales Stanley, H 1959, Journal article, Bureaucracy and Rationality in Webers Organization Theory: An Empirical Study, Vol. 24, No. 6, p. 791 795, 29th March 2017,

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Is Government Dominated By Business :: essays research papers fc

Is Government Dominated by Business   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Special interest groups have dominated government since the advent of America's political system. Special interest groups or lobbies are collections of individuals who join together to pursue common interests and to influence the decisions on public policies. Many people view special interest groups as an integral part of the political process, legitimized by the first amendment of the Constitution. In that way, special interest groups are good. The point that disgusts many people is that more often then not money overpowers the right decision; that is why Big Business is a problem. The richer the companies and organizations, the better chance they have to persuade the government officials.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the United States alone there are thousands of special interest groups working for their own cause. Some of the causes they are working for are: business, banking, labor, environment, women, seniors, the economy, and farming just to name a few. Some groups or businesses which partake in lobbying are: N.O.W., Green Peace, AFL-CIO, Teamsters, Sierra Club, N.R.A., Tobacco industry and the ACLU. These groups often work at the national, state, and local levels attempting to influence government policy. Many groups have permanent offices in Washington DC. The primary goals of these groups are the passing, blocking, or amending legislation to achieve a favorable ruling for their own benefit. In Washington the groups primary targets are the House and Senate sub-committees which are the key places where legislation is considered. The groups often speak in front of Committee hearings to put their views on the record.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most well known special interest group is the National Rifle Association. This group has done tireless work in Washington trying to stop Gun Control bills from passing in Congress. The worst blow that happened to the NRA was the passing of the Brady Bill and the Assault Rifle Ban. The NRA believes this is an infringement on the constitutional rights of all Americans. Recently after a huge lobby in Washington, the NRA forced the Senate to have another vote on the Assault Rifle ban. The way the NRA forces the senate is as followed: the NRA gets together with some senators that they know want to repeal the ban. The NRA gives money to the senators for their campaigns, etc. The senators then persuade other senators and the NRA has them on their side as well. When the NRA captures enough senators, it forces Congress to bring it to the floor and debate about the issue. In this case, the NRA failed. However, the NRA will continue to support the senators that are a help to the cause and

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Life Lived in Scouting Essays -- Personal Narrative Boy Scouts Paper

A Life Lived in Scouting 1986: Introduction to the Mystery After the skits, songs, and cheers, the Camp Director (bearing a white sash embroidered with a red arrow and two bars at each end) came forward. The crowd instantly grew quiet and somber. The wind rustled; the branches swayed and cracked; the lake gently lapped the shore. Sitting with my father, I watched bats flutter above two great fires. In a clear yet reverent tone, the weathered old man invoked the beauty of nature, the mystery of life, and the Great Spirit. In solemn words, he added, â€Å"Each has his own path, let the Scout Oath and Law light that path.† A quiet tenor, the Camp Director began to sing. With intimate familiarity, uniformed men, women, and boys rose adding their voices to his. â€Å"My paddle's keen and bright Flashing with silver Swift as the wild goose flight Dip, dip and swing Dip, dip and swing her back Flashing with silver Follow the wild goose flight Dip, dip and swing† Faces stern, backs straight, heads held high, each waited; and, silence fell. Still seated by my father, I watched the fire of fellowship, bright against the water, cast long shadows across the faces of the crowd— the other stood unlit, no flame lived within it or brought warmth to the people. From the distant shore, a canoe entered the water and silently approached— the paddlers in smooth perfect unison. Mateo, messenger of the Leni-Lenape, stood erect and proud in the stern of the canoe. From a pot of flame, Mateo reached and drew a single arrow. Putting notch to string, Mateo released the arrow and smote the lifeless fire. Flame rose from its depths and the voice of Chief Allowat Sakima boomed across the water, across the fire circle, and echoed forth. â€Å"I am ... ... the last song of the final campfire and invokes the memory of all that have come before in Scouting. It is, to Scouts, a sacred song. The light dimmed still further and as we reached the top of the stairs. We stood together, finished humming, and walked down to the car. We shared our final night of Summer Camp together— two weeks later I went off to Basic and my father died in August of 2000. July 2004 will be my first Summer Camp in six years. â€Å"Scouting may be indefinable but it is palpable; and, it moves men and boys to become better human beings through their journey together.† First Verse of Scout Vespers Softly falls the light of day, While our campfire fades away. Silently each Scout should ask Have I done my daily task? Have I kept my honor bright? Can I guiltless sleep tonight? Have I done and have I dared Everything to be prepared?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Deception in Sophocles Philoctetes and Hesiods Theogony :: Deception Sophocles Hesiod Essays

Deception in Sophocles' Philoctetes and Hesiod's Theogony For many centuries, the art of deception has been a powerful tool for achieving goals, and it has spawned the ancient debate of the ends justifying the means. In the tragedy Philoctetes by Sophocles and in Hesiod's Theogony, there are many instances of deception, particularly on the part of men in the texts. For each of them, the deceit is justified as a means of building and maintaining a reputation or obtaining power. Ultimately, however, the use of deception results in putting the men in positions of further vulnerability. In Philoctetes, the character of Odysseus is portrayed as well accustomed to using deceit for personal gain without much consideration for morality or human compassion. He not only deceives Philoctetes himself, but he has the audacity to con Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, into doing the same. Odysseus's first deception of Philoctetes happens before his second arrival on Lemnos with Neoptolemus. Odysseus and his crew maroon the injured Philoctetes on the island with no one to help him by sneaking away while he is asleep. Odysseus explains their reasons for abandoning him: We had no peace with him: at the holy festivals, we dared not touch the wine and meat; he screamed and groaned so, and those terrible cries of his brought ill luck on our celebrations (Phil. lines 6-9). No one is able to heal Philoctetes because his disease was inflicted on him by divine power. Nor does he have the self-control to keep quiet, even during religious ceremonies, and his lack of self-discipline reflects poorly on the group as a whole. Philoctetes's unrestrained howling during solemn occasions jeopardizes their dignity and their reputations as serious and powerful men. Odysseus returns to Lemnos only because he realizes that, in order to sack Troy, he must have the bow of Heracles which is in Philoctetes's possession.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Gender and Sexuality

Gender and sexuality can be comprehended through social science. Social science is â€Å"the study of human society and of individual relationships in and to society† (free dictionary, 2009). The study of social science deals with different aspects of society such as politics, economics, and the social aspects of society. Gender identity is closely interlinked with social science as it is based on an identity of an individual in the society. Sexuality is â€Å"the condition of being characterized and distinguished by sex† (free dictionary, 2009).There are different gender identities such as male, female, gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual that exists all around the world. There is inequality in gender identities and dominance of a male regardless of which sexuality they fall under. The males are superior over the females and gays superior over the lesbians, however it different depending on the place and circumstances. This paper will look at the gender roles and s tereotypes, social policy, and homosexuality from a modern and a traditional society perspective.The three different areas will be compared by the two different societies to understand how much changes has occurred and whether or not anything has really changed. In general a traditional society is more conservative where as a modern society is fundamentally liberal. This is to say that a traditional society lists certain roles depending on the gender and there are stereotypes that are connected with the genders. One must obey the one that is dominant and make decisions. On the other hand, a modern society is lenient, It accepts the individual’s identity and sexuality.There is no inequality and everyone in the society is to be seen as individuals not a part of a family unit. Gender roles and stereotypes exist for all genders. These roles are set by the individuals of the society, â€Å"sex roles are expectations for behaviour and attitudes that a particular culture defines as appropriate for men and women† (Whicker and Kronenfeld, 1986; pp. 8). The traditional views of gender roles are indeed quite different from the modern views. The men in society are the bread-winners where as the women take care of the children and home.There are basic and common work roles, however in terms of behaviour and involvement there are gender role distinctions. The sex roles generally play out in modern society as well, some sex roles and stereotypes for girls are that they are â€Å"nonaggressive, nonathletic, emotionally expressive, tender, domestic, and nurturing. Boys on the other hand are â€Å"aggressive, value achievement, attain goals through conflict, and work towards monetary success† (Whicker and Kronenfeld, 1986; pp. 8).The males in the society are â€Å"emotionally anesthetised, aggressive, physically tough and daring, unwilling or unable to give nurturance to a child† (Lewis and Sussman, 1986; pp. 1). These traits are carried out by this particular gender mostly outside the society to demonstrate their strength. Those individuals who ignore to carry out these personality traits are seen as weak and unmanly. The women on the other hand are given the responsibility of looking after the family and are supposed to have the opposite personality traits.For instance a woman can show emotions but not outside of the family because of the shame that would bring to the family. This also an issue because a husband cannot help the women out otherwise the society will look down upon him, and as for society itself women cannot rely on outsiders. This brings about a question as to whom should she reveal her emotions and feelings to? These gender stereotypes such as a men being physically stronger or women being physically weak are embedded in the individual’s mind and thus they carry out these stereotypes themselves thereby continuing the stereotype.The gender role differences bring up a point about fake identity and practi ce. For the purpose of being accepted in society one hides his or her inner desires and emotions in order to fit in society. One does not need to be tough to show masculinity neither does one need to be weak to bring out her feelings. However, society changes when the men in the society gradually developed more female traits and get involved in the family matters. The role that impacts the family the most is the role of the men.The media plays a huge role in shaping the role of what a father is. Once the father used to be a bread-winner, now the roles can switch and the mother can go out to work and the father can stay with the children. The media demonstrates the idea of the father who spends his time at home with the children, baby sitting, cooking, and cleaning. This new image encourages and motives the men in this society to get involved and help their family. Also, the family is no longer always ruled by a patriarchal system.Patriarchy is â€Å"a system promotion the higher st atus and privilege of men against women† (Lewis and Sussman, 1986; pp. 17). The roles are either balanced or a matriarchy system is also involved where the women are the superior ones in the family. The society’s acceptance of these roles changes and also it gives opportunity to the opposite sex to prove their skills and identity in the society and within their family, however, the society’s expectations do not end here. The men are portrayed as strong body-builders and females are portrayed as slim beauties.These images are carried by the media where in the film â€Å"Tough guise† by Jackson Katz, the movie demonstrates the transition of masculinity from past generation to current generation. The men are more build up in terms of body structure compared to the past. Although the father might be involved in the family, the sex roles of the genders do not vanish, they make gradual transitions from generation to generation. The traditional society simply bel ieves that women stay at home and focus on their private life rather than the outside world. The major role is played by the adult males who maintain the finances.Women’s work is not as valued as the men’s, however it is essential to understand that men would have had to do double job if the women were not looking after his children and home. Although both, the inside and the outside work required a lot of effort, the dominance of the male gender rules over the female gender in terms of the value of work. Besides the cultural values, religion also played a role in shaping these ideologies. â€Å"Religious institutions have long been conservative in their ideals and patriarchs. Recent exceptions do exist, such as the increasing enrolment of women in Protestant seminaries.The Church however, like the corporate America, maintains the image of a traditional family and career structure, where the husband is the major bread-winner and thus the head if the household and his wife is in a supportive, expressive position† (Lewis and Sussman, 1986; pp 199). These religious institutions drew the images of gender roles inside and outside of the house, where one gender worked inside and the other worked outside and even if the women decided to work outside were treated unequally. At the end of the day they had to look after their children.This brings about a question of whether the children only belonged to the mothers or both parents. What role do the fathers play in the lives of their children? There is no social support for the women in this society to rely on, thus they struggle to maintain their rough lifestyle. The family only becomes dependent on the men, which is problematic. In case of a single parent, where the children are dependent on a mother it becomes a financial problem. The lack of government involvement is a disadvantage for the women in this society because those who are divorced or lost their husbands are strongly hit by poverty.Soci al policy such as education, career, and welfare state did not exist in the life a woman in a traditional society. However, as the world gradually developed in terms of technology, the women caught up to the men. The ideology of individuals in the modern society changed where the women were once seen an item in the household, they now gained a sense of freedom. To being with the basic understanding of a woman going in to work is that â€Å"most women work because of economic need. The majority of employed females are single, widowed, divorced or separated, or working to supplement the low income of their spouse† (Kendrigan, 1991; pp 91).This is not to say that women spend time at working leaving their children, spouse, or home alone. Their life in modern society is challenging because there is more responsibility on their shoulders. Not only do women have their work life but also their family life as well. As a plus, the government provides day care for working women in order to make their lives easier. Looking at the correlation of women and the workforce has a great impact on the economic factors of the country and state. The women contribute to the social welfare state because the more people working in the country the more stable and stronger the economy gets.For instance, in Canada women who contribute to the country economy through paying taxes add on to the government public funds, which are used for education, welfare, and the publish health care system. There are many advantages for the women as well as the state. Although there remains to be an inequality in the salary of woman when compared to a man it is importance to focus on the progress as well. The transformation occurred because women stepped out of their homes and stepped in to the working world. They still have to work hard to gain their respect and work for equality among men.Genders and sexuality cannot leave homosexuality behind, however this is not so true for the traditional soci ety. Just because homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgender were not seen very often does not mean they were invisible. The reactions of individuals in the society to these particular sexes lead the homosexuals, transgender, and bisexual being seen as inferior. This brings about the ideology of superior over inferior. There is a sense of shame attached to these sexes, where they cannot freely express their identity. To reveal their identity means going through the consequences set by the ndividuals in the society and in some countries even the government. Even though much emphasis is given to sex roles in homosexuality as well there lies a difference among lesbians and gays. Looking back at the roles of the boys and adult males in a traditional society they had to stay strong and stay focused on work. This becomes an issue for the gay individuals. Unlike lesbians, gays cannot freely walk with their partners without being noticed. â€Å"women can hold hands in the street, and even go arm in arm; because families let girls sleep with their girlfriends, but for boys, it’s forbidden† (Likosky, 1992; pp. 3). It is indeed difficult for the homosexuals to express their homosexuality because of the norms set by society. Women can get away with it because of the friendly and nurturing stereotype that the society has placed upon them. â€Å"Homosexuality, though, exists in different societies and cultures, with some minor exceptions are considered abnormal and disdained. It affects social order, invades personal privacy and rights, and leads to criminal behaviour. â€Å"As a result, homosexuals are more likely to encounter and be penalized administratively and criminally† (Likosky, 1992, pp. 38).More stereotypes are attached to these individuals because they are not considered normal. Normal in this sense means that heterosexuals are the dominating ones in the society. The idea that these individuals are embedded in society not only causes prejudice towards homosexual people but also discrimination against them, leading to violent actions are taken towards them. Once again religion and government plays a major role in shaping these views towards these particular groups of people. To look at homosexuality from a modern point of view, it is not the same as the traditional.However this is not to say that there is great equality between the heterosexuals and homosexuals, because this is simply untrue. The modern society takes the idea equality and freedom from the liberal ideology. However it is not practiced to the full extent. The flaw in the liberal state is made in the legal forms when gender is asked for. The option to this question is already stated on the paper, thus the two options given to the homosexuals are â€Å"male† or â€Å"female†. The problem lies in these two options for these individuals, because now they cannot reveal their identity, neither can they state who they are.However if they are to pick f rom the two options how are they to answer this question? Is it more based on how they feel the most? Even though the individuals in the modern society consider themselves to be liberal, they are not fully liberal. On the positive side of the modern society, there are social services. â€Å"There has been a long history of people in social work who challenge the heterosexist norms of society. Gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered and transsexual persons have enriched society as a whole† (Hick, 2010; pp. 02). Social work plays a major role in reshaping these sexes and their roles. The social workers empower the LGBTTQ (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, transsexual, and queer) to get involved in work force. This gives the individuals chances to prove themselves and also it benefits the society and economy. The more people that get involved in the workforce the stronger the economy turns out to be. The involvement of these individuals brings changes to the society and they feel accepted outside of their own group.If they were to hide their sexuality inside as done in the traditional society there would be psychological and emotional problems among these people, and the outcome would be higher rate of suicide. The acceptance and opportunity given to them by this society not only gives advantage to these people but also to the society and the economy of the state. In the traditional society the father’s only focus is on earning an income for the family which has a direct impact on the family members due to the lack of time spent bonding with his children and wife.The responsibility of the children falls on both parents’ shoulders not just on the mothers. However this is also an issue in modern society, if mothers rely too much on day-cares and do not spend enough time with their children then the same thing that happens to the father happens to the mother. The traditional view of sex roles differ where women are nurturing, home orien ted and calm. On the other hand, men are seen as the opposite. Nevertheless, the modern view does not distinct these differences because of the greater involvement of the father in the family.The differences do not lie among the genders but the perspective of the individuals in society, both genders can contribute to each other’s works regardless of what sex they fall under. The society, religious institute, and media play a greater role in shaping these sex roles. The gradual changes are closely related to the media because the actors carry out the roles and thus the members of the society play out those roles in their daily life style. â€Å"Homosexuality exists in different societies and cultures and with some minor exceptions it is considered abnormal and disdained.It affects social order, invades personal privacy and rights, and leads to criminal behaviour. As a result, homosexuals are more likely to encounter and be penalized administratively and criminally† (Lik osky, 1992, pp. 38) Also, the two societies view homosexuality different. Nevertheless modern society has not completely accepted the idea of homosexuality because in areas such as legal forms, the people with nonconventional sexual orientation are not shown. This demonstrates the inferiority of homosexuality and for which the government is responsible for such actions.

Friday, August 16, 2019

How Is Animal Abuse Linked to Human Abuse Essay

How is animal abuse linked to human abuse? What is animal abuse? Abuse is define to be a misuse or mistreatment and attempt to harm another person or thing. Several studies have shown that animal abuse and neglect may indicate that others in the home maybe at risk of abuse and neglect, also. Abuse has become a common place across the nation and taking on many different forms of abuse. It is believed that animals as well as humans have every right to a good life just as those who physically, psychologically, and sexually perform such act against them. Physical abuse is known as to involving contact intended to cause feelings of intimidation, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm. It is said, â€Å"Physical abuse is when a person hits, slam, pulls hair, harms by use of weaponry, murder, bites, or burns. Whereas physical neglect is failure or delay to provide healthcare, abandonment an expulsion. Neglect is also includes leaving a child under inadequate supervision, nutrit ion, hygiene and clothing as well as in regards to safety and welfare†(Jilani. Difference between Abuse and Neglect. May 6, 2010) Animal and human abuse fall hand in hand when coming to such situations. There are countless abuse cases of animals being cared for with cruelty and has related in every situation involving a human. Both relate very similarly when being faced with such harmful and abusive environment. The pain, suffering and death upon an animal being physically abused can compare to a human being physically abused by their spouse or one who is the abuser. The list can go on different ways an individual will perform acts of abuse toward the subjects. Thesis statement: In today’s society, cruelty towards animals is a growing epidemic because people do not have the value this worth of animal life. These acts of have placed many innocent lives into danger and until this day it still occurs. Studies have shown that â€Å"In 88 percent of 53 families where various forms of child abuse had taken place, animal abuse had also occurred. In two thirds of these families the animal abuser was the father figure; in one third it was a child. The researchers suggested that, in s uch cases, pet abuse by children was often a manifestation of children was often a manifestation of children’s response to their own victimization; a replication of the dynamics of their own abuse  on powerless pet figures. Of 233 British families with a history of animals neglect. In one study of battered women, 57 percent of those with pets said their partners had harmed or killed the animals. One in four said that she stayed with the batterer because she feared leaving the pet behind† (, 2001) These are the relationships of animals and humans when in dealing in such physical within a household or just an abuser who has no heart to give proper care for one of the two. This article also states of families who are being abused by other members within the family hood would tend to do the same well aware of his or her actions and is careless of their actions. Here is where an individual’s rights will come into play to protect themselves from being harmed in every way such. An animal should be given every equal right to live a good life and be given the nurture and care that is needed. There are lists of abuses an animal or human may face on a daily basis but another abuse that is popular in dealing with abuse cases is being psychologically abused. Psychological abuse is defined as emotional or mental abuse. These two characters of abuse basically are being abused imperceptibly when dealing with the mind. This is known to be more harmful only due to it affecting how a person may think and feel about themselves. An animal abuse in a psychological form may be similar. The abuser will teach the animal of thinking in ways that may cause the innocent animal to feel harmed and afraid. In this type of environment an animal or human might believe what the abuser is saying and continue to follow with the mentality of feeling frightful that if they disobey they will be abused. It states that â€Å"the abuser projects their word, attitude or actions onto an unsuspecting victim usually because they themselves have not dealt with childhood wounds that are now causing them to h arm others† (BOGDANOS, 2013). There is huge relationship of animal being abused linked to a human that is sin the same position. They will be verbally being hit with harsh words that will hurt how they will react to such abusive actions psychologically. As we understand that being psychologically abused may not cause physical damage but it may cause those being abused pain and scarring. The National Coalition against Domestic Violence stated â€Å"Psychological abuse is the systematic perpetration of malicious and explicit nonphysical health of the  victim and victim’s loved ones, controlling the victim’s freedom, and effectively acting to destabilize or isolate the victim. Psychological abuse frequently occurs prior to or concurrently with physical or sexually abuse. While psychological abuse increases the trauma of physical and sexual abuse, a number of studies have demonstrated that psychological abuse independently causes long-term damage to its victims, mental health† (VIOLENCE,2005-2011). This can lead into an unhealthy relationship if the abusiveness continues and may result into physical violence. It can result in depression, problems with self-esteem, poor sleep, alcohol or drug use, and becoming suicidal, among other things. People who are being abused may feel absolutely trapped in a relationship that they cannot escape, and begin to feel that they somehow deserve the abuse. Being abused with your emotions and mind may cause a thing or person to believe even more the self –esteem drops, you lose confidence and you find it hard to get back on the right track of mind. A few example of psychological abuse as stated in a site are â€Å"emotional abuse includes non-physical behaviors such as threats, insults, constant monitoring or â€Å"checking in†, excessive texting, humiliation, intimidation, isolation or stalking† (, 2007-2013). It is when someone’s insult and disrespect you verbally. It causes a person pain mentally and emotionally. Effects that may occur in facing psychological abuse are well known to those who are the abuser and to every other individually who is willing lend a helping in saving a life. There may be a list of ways to heal and solve the iss ue of being abused but it is up to the individually that will not let anyone nor their words or actions falter you from living life. Last but not least another link of abuse between animals and humans is sexual abuse. The American Psychological Association defines sexual abuse as â€Å"sexual abuse is unwanted sexual activity, with perpetrators using force, making threats or taking advantage of victims not able to give consent. Most victims and perpetrators know each other. Immediate reactions to sexual abuse include shock, fear or disbelief. Long-term symptoms include anxiety, fear or post-traumatic stress disorder. While efforts to treat sex offenders remain unpromising, psychological interventions for survivors, especially group therapy that appears effective† (ASSOCISTION, 2013). This information has shared quite a link between animals and humans when dealing with sexual  abuse. The relationship of being sexually abused is similar. For instance, the abuser will force themselves unto an animal or human and perform unwanted acts sexually that is not pleasing and very harmful to this innocent life. There are many other relationships as of humans performing sexual activity upon animals, which are against the law and should not even be thought upon in the first place. Others may be of another human against another human. They may show sexual abusive actions that may cause fear to the victim and forcefully perform such actions. These are some ways that are mostly known of how animals or humans may be sexually abused. Some could be of two individuals who practically know each other well, but one may feel in need of sexual activity and will forcefully do so while the victim is refusing. Here is another infamous way that we most often hear when it comes down it sexu al abuse. Sexual abuse has been around for many of years. As for animals, there are several of reasons why humans sexually abuse animals. They use animals as to experiments, in pornography, as sexual partner to gain satisfaction of their wants of pleasures and needs. For these reasons it has become as to force an animal, physical violence involves the use of animals for degradation and sexual exploitation of the battered partner. According to Lenore Walker (1979), bestiality may be a part of further tormenting and humiliating the victim. In Walker’s (1984) interviews with battered women, bestiality was mentioned as one of the â€Å"unusual sex acts† desired by their partners, it was found that this experience occurred with 41% of the battering partners and 5% of the non-battering partners. Child sexual abusers may also sexually abuse animals to enhance, expand or extend the abuse of the genuinely powerless and unsuspecting victim (Adam, 1994). Some case studies of sexual abuse of children include reports of forcing children to interact sexually with animals (Ascione, 1993). A child’s sexual abuse of an animal may be a warning sign that the child is a victim or witness of physical, sexual or emotional abuse† (SHEET). In conclusion, we have come to an understanding of all the different types if animal and within this research. As we know that the rate of abused animals and humans has risen dramatically over the past years. There has not  been much of a change from a day basis. Physical abuse as we all knows that it is the most well-known form of abuse that is being faced and is the traumatic one deal with. In other cases, Psychological abuse is another serious form of abuse although it is not as harmful as being physically abused. As to being sexually abused is another form which adds on to the list of abuses. These few forms have not only harmed innocent lives but have caused so much hurt and taken time away to heal. Animals and humans may be saved if dealt and prevented in the early stages of abuse. Others times it might be too late which may cost one to lose their life over carelessness and being mistreated or misused. Today’s society continue to strive in searching for ways to save lives of those being abused and to educate those in whom are abusers of what wrong doings they have become. Being that animals are not humans but their relationship is similar to each other and how they are treated. This is why I believe that animals and humans should be treated equally along with the rights against abusers in order to save their innocent lives from falling into hands of the abusers. References ASSOCIATION, A.P. (2013). SEXUAL ABUSE. Retrieved from AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION: BOGDANOS, M. (2013, 05 31). SIGNS OF EMOTIONAL ABUSE. Retrieved from PSCH CENTRAL: (2007-2013). Emotional and verbal abuse. Retrived feom (2001). Retrieved from SHEET, A. S. (n.d). ANIMAL SEXUAL ABUSE FACTS SHEET. Retrived from ANIMAL SEXUAL ABUSE FACTS SHEET: VIOLENCE, N.C. (2005-2011). PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE. Retrieved from NATIONAL COALITION AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Abuse.pdf

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Police suicide Essay

In the recent past, there have been a number of cases involving police suicide. These have brought alarm to the nation as the same people delegated with the duty of safe guarding life are now turning against their own self. It’s believed that the number of officers who die from suicide in the   US surpass the number of those who die in the line of duty. In most of the cases, the cause of death is not revealed to the people to protect the victim’s family and friends. Abstract This research paper intends to seek the main causes of police officers suicide. It contains a sample of research questions it intends to answer plus their hypothetical responses. It also contains literature on previous findings. In addition it contains the methods used in data analyses as well as the possible out comes of the research. Statement of the problem Basing on the fact that, there figures from the police department showing that their colleagues do commit suicide, its evident that these is a problem that needs to be addressed before this situation runs out of proportion. It’s from this factor of admission that the research paper seeks to identify the possible causes of rise in the rate of police sources. Research question In order to get the relevant information to this research, several questions could be formulated which if answered correctly would provide answers and information to aid in writing this report. These include: †¢ Under what situations do police commit suicide often? †¢ What age group of the police is at a higher risk of committing suicide? †¢ Are there particular periods or events in the police calendar that are followed by high numbers of suicide? †¢ Do police who commit suicide have a mental disturbance history? †¢ Were they alcoholic? †¢ What is the perception of the suicide to the police officers? Hypothesis †¢ Police between the ages of 20 and 30 are at the higher risk of committing suicide. †¢ Both normal and police officers with mental disturbance histories do commit suicide. †¢ Police officers often perceive as the last resort to resolve or run away from challenges or situations they can’t bear. Literature review It has been confirmed that more than 110 police officers have committed suicide during the last year alone with more cases still under investigation, this was an all time high since the recording begun in the 1980s. However the rate of police suicide is still low when compared to people of the American society with similar back ground and educational levels. This can be attributed to the fact that the police have the capacity to provide mental health care to its officers counseling and other support services required. (Krueger,1998) Suicides can be attributed to relationship problems. This may include, pressure from their spouses, be it financial or general relationship problems. If an officer can’t stand this pressure and they obvious fact of the availability of the weapons, chances of committing suicide are high. Suicide can also be attributed to strain relationship between officers and their fellow officers or officers and their seniors. In addition, there are times when the officers get trouble at their places of work. For instance they may be accused of neglecting their duties or services or a performance that does not meet the set out rules and standards. This pressure leads to suicide rather than face the ensuing consequences or disciplinary measures which include termination of services or suspensions. (, 2008) Police officers faced with regal procedures such as murder cases, corruption cases or negligence of duty cases do commit suicide in the event that they feel they may not win the cases or justice will either be delayed or denied. Moreover, there are financial difficulties that often lead to high rates of suicide among the police officers. Currently in the USA there are several financial obligations that pose a challenge to the police officers in their endeavor to meet them. This includes taxation fees, mortgages and family financial obligations. Officers who find it hard to meet these obligations do commit suicide rather than face the realities of their failures. Another factor that has lead to police suicide is stress and depression. Officers are often time tied in their work leaving no or little time for leisure or recreation. This unavailability of time to refresh leads to clogged minds and chances of suicide are increased. The horrifying and terrifying realities that the police are exposed to can lead to mental disturbances leading to suicide. This includes exposure to suicide scenes, gun murders and horrifying accidents. (www.National, 2001) Methods of data collection (surveys, focus groups, observations) Surveys Several surveys have been conducted by the police force to ascertain the rate of police suicide. This information are often found at the police records and aided in getting the data required. Human rights groups have also conducted several surveys and have come up with figures showing the numbers, their age groups, marital status as well as the causes of the police officers suicide. Focus groups In addition focus groups can be used to gather relevant information concerning these suicides. They can focus on a particular police county for a period of time keeping records and happenings and durations of suicides. Observations Several eye witness observations can also be relied on to come up with relevant information and figures. The information can be got from immediate family members of the officers involved who are affected by his or her death or who witnessed them committing suicide. Another way of gathering information is by interviewing fellow police officers or their seniors. They may be holding vital information about the circumstances surrounding the officers death or possess information that had been on to the by the officer prior to suicide. Methods of Data analyses Analytical induction method This method will be used to analyze the collected data and come up with comments to be used in the findings. In this method, the event surrounding the officers suicide are studied after which a hypothetical reason on the cause of that is developed. Logical analysis In this process, the cause of an officer’s suicide is determined by an inductive way of reasoning. For example, the cause can be attributed to a factor leading to another. Example, an officer commits murder, legal proceedings are instituted against him, its delayed, he is frustrated and commits suicide. Possible outcomes/ findings There are several factors that can be associated with the increased number of police suicide. Some of them are purely personal while others are a multiplicity of various other factors. Mental problems can be associated to these suicides. Officers who have a mental problem are at high risk of taking their own lives especially so if they suffer from the condition in their line of duty and in the possession of a weapon. Through their unsound mind, they may make unsound decisions to kill themselves. Another factor that would cause an officer to commit suicide is alcoholism and drug use. If an officer is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, it reduces his or her cognitive abilities. With their reduced cognitive ability, they may turn against themselves as a way of actualizing their fantasies at the time which include the urge to kill or cause mayhem. Too much pressure at places of work may lead to suicide. Senior officers may pressure their junior to perform duties at specified period of time or which may pose danger to officers them selves. Such duties such as fighting armed drug cartels or tracking down terrorists and serial killers may lead to suicide among officers to avoid such works or as away of showing their displeasure to their seniors. The US justice system is also to blame for a number of police suicides. Rather than face the possibility of dismissal and the stigma associated with it from such legal proceeding such as murder, corruption or negligence of duty, officers results to taking their own life. In some other cases the regal proceedings may take longer period that expected leaving the officers frustrated and demoralized often leading to suicide.